Patient Information

We’ve provided comprehensive post-op instructions to aid in your after-procedure care

Please Click the section below that applies to your post-op needs.

Post-Op Instructions

Post Extraction Instruction

During the first 24 hours

It is important that a blood clot forms on the extraction site to stop bleeding, reduce pain, and speed healing. To protect the clot and avoid the pain of dry socket:

Bite on a gauze pad firmly for 30-60 minutes. Blood and saliva mix in the mouth and make it look like there is more bleeding than there really is. Some oozing is normal; however, after 1 hour, repeat with a clean gauze pad if oozing is profuse. The site could ooze for as long as 24 hours.
*Don’t spit, and don’t suck on candies or through a straw.
*Don’t rinse your mouth, and don’t brush or floss next to the site.
*Don’t smoke or use tobacco. Avoid tobacco for at least 72 hours because it slows healing.
*Don’t sneeze or cough, so have sinus or allergy medication on hand if necessary.
*Limit yourself to calm activities and elevate your head with pillows when you lie down to reduce bleeding.
*Don’t drink hot, carbonated, or alcoholic drinks, and avoid hot or spicy foods.

To control discomfort, take pain medication before the anesthetic has worn off or as recommended.

To keep swelling to a minimum, use an ice bag over the area, 5minutes on and 5 minutes off for a few hours after extraction
When the numbness has worn off completely, drink lots of fluids and eat only soft nutritious foods( that are not hot), chewing on the opposite side.

After the first 24 hours

Begin to eat normally as soon as it’s comfortable.
Resume brushing and flossing, but clean gently around the site for about a week.
If antibiotics were prescribed, continue to take them for the indicated length of time, even if all symptoms and signs of infection are gone.
Reduce soreness or swelling by applying moist heat. Swelling usually starts to go down after 48 hours.
Further reduce swelling by rinsing your mouth very gently with warm salt water. Use about one teaspoon of salt per glass of warm water. Rinse two to three times a day for the week following the extraction.

When to call us

It is normal to experience some discomfort for several days after a tooth extraction, but call us right away if you have:

  • Heavy or increased bleeding
  • Pain or swelling that increases or continues beyond two or three days
  • A bad taste or odor in your mouth
  • A reaction to the medication

Post Root Canal Instruction

Guidelines for Post-Treatment Care

*Do not eat anything until the numbness in your mouth wears off. This will prevent you from biting your cheek or tongue.

*Do not chew or bite on the treated tooth until you have had it restored by your dentist.

*Be sure to brush and floss your teeth as you normally would.

*If the opening in your tooth was restored with a temporary filling material, it is not unusual for a thin layer to wear off in-between appointments. However, if you think the entire filling has come out, contact your dentist.

*Contact your Dentist right away if you develop any of the following:

-a visible swelling inside or outside of your mouth;
-an allergic reaction to medication, including rash, hives or itching (nausea is not an allergic reaction);
-a return of original symptoms; or
-your bite feels uneven.

Suggestions for you during root canal therapy


Start normal cleaning procedures on untreated teeth one day following root canal therapy. The mouth may be freshened with a commercial mouth rinse, however, RINSE GENTLY! Gentle rinses with warm (coffee temperature) salt water, 4 to 6 times a day, will promote healing and
decrease discomfort. (One teaspoon salt to 8 oz. water.)


Some discomfort may occur when the local anesthesia (numbness) ‘wears off’. The amount of pain and swelling may vary from mild to severe and the extent of the discomfort will depend primarily on the severity of the abscess (infection), if present. Frequent rinsing with warm salt water, along with moderate analgesics (pain medication) and antibiotics taken as prescribed will reduce comfort and promote healing as well as decrease


Expect the tooth to be sensitive (mild to moderate) when chewing. Eat soft or liquid foods,
avoiding the tooth in treatment for the first 24 to 48 hours.


If antibiotics are prescribed, take them as directed until they are entirely gone.


Normal cleaning, including flossing and oral irrigation, should be carried out whenever you are undergoing root canal therapy. Be careful not to dislodge the temporary filling material placed in the treated tooth.


  • Mild to moderate throbbing the first 24 hours
  • Sharp twinges (short duration) the first 24 hours
  • Halitosis (bad breath) from the present infected tooth
  • Medicinal taste between 1st and 2nd appointment
  • Bits of temporary filling dislodgement (Don’t worry!)


Children's Treatment Instructions

Care of Sealants

By forming a think covering over the pits and fissures, sealants keep out plaque and food, thus decreasing the risk of decay. Since, the covering is only over the biting surface of the tooth, areas on the side and between teeth cannot be coated with the sealant. Good oral hygiene and nutrition are still very important in preventing decay next to these sealants or in areas unable to be covered.

Your child should refrain from eating ice or hard candy, which tend to fracture the sealant. Regular dental appointments are recommended in order for your child’s dentist to be certain the sealants remain in place.

The American Dental Association recognizes that sealants can play an important role in the prevention of tooth decay. When properly applied and maintained, they can successfully protect the chewing surfaces of your child’s teeth. A total prevention program includes regular visits to the dentist, the use of fluoride, daily brushing and flossing, and limiting the number of times sugar-rich foods are eaten. If these measures are followed and sealants are used on the child’s teeth, the risk of decay can be reduced or may even be eliminated!

Oral Discomfort After a Cleaning

A thorough cleaning unavoidably produces some bleeding and swelling and may cause some tenderness or discomfort. This is not due to a “rough cleaning” but, to tender and inflamed gums from insufficient oral hygiene. We recommend the following for 2-3 days after cleaning was performed:

  • A warm salt water rinse 2-3 times per day. (1 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water)
  • For discomfort use Children’s Tylenol, Advil or Motrin as directed by the age of the child

Please do not hesitate to contact the office if the discomfort persists for more than 7 days or if there are any questions.

Care of the Mouth After Local Anesthetic

If the procedure was in the lower jaw the tongue, teeth, lip and surrounding tissue will be numb or asleep. If the procedure was in the upper jaw the teeth, lip and surrounding tissue will be numb or asleep.

Often, Children do not understand the effects of local anesthesia, and may chew, scratch, suck or play with the numb lip, tongue or cheek. These actions can cause minor irritations or they can be severe enough to cause swelling and abrasions to the tissue.

Monitor your child closely for approximately two hours following the appointment. It is often wise to keep your child on a liquid or soft diet until the anesthetic has worn off.
Please do not hesitate to call the office if there are any questions.

Care of Mouth After Extractions

Do not scratch, chew, suck or rub the lips, tongue or cheek while they feel numb or asleep. The shild should be watched closely so he/she does not injure his/her lip, tongue or cheek before the anesthesia wears off.

  • Do not rinse the mouth for several hours.
  • Do not spit excessively
  • Do not drink a carbonated beverage (Coke, Sprite, etc) for the remainder of the day
  • Do not drink through a straw
  • Keep fingers and tongue away from the extraction area


Bleeding – Some bleeding is to be expected. If unusual or sustained bleeding occurs, place cotton gauze firmly over the extraction area and bite down or hold in place for fifteen minutes. This can also be accomplished with a tea bag. Repeat if necessary.

Maintain a soft diet for a day or two, or until the child feels comfortable eating normally again. Avoid strenuous exercise or physical activity for several hours after the extraction.

Pain – For discomfort use Children’s Tylenol, Advil or Motrin as directed for the age of the child. If a medicine was prescribed, then follow the directions on the bottle. Please do not hesitate to call the office if there are any questions.

Nitrous Oxide

Some children are given nitrous oxide/oxygen (laughing gas) to relax them for their dental treatment. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is a blend of two gases, oxygen and nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is given through a small breathing mask which is placed over the child’s nose, allowing them to relax but without putting them to sleep. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recognizes this technique as a very safe, effective technique to use for treating children’s dental needs. The gas is mild and easily taken; then with normal breathing, it is quickly eliminated from the body. It is non-addictive and while inhaling nitrous oxide/oxygen, your child remains fully conscious and keeps all natural reflexes.

Prior to your appointment:

  • Please inform us of any change to your child’s health and/or medical condition
  • Tell us about any respiratory condition that makes breathing through the nose difficult for your child. It may limit the effectiveness of the nitrous oxide/oxygen
  • Let us know if your child is taking any medication on the day of the appointment
  • Your child must be on an empty stomach prior to the appointment

Denture Care Instructions

Wearing Your New Denture

You have probably been looking forward to the day when you finally receive your new denture. You are likely glad to finally put all of your dental problems behind you. When the day arrives and we insert your new denture we do not want you to be shocked that a new number of dental issues are just beginning. In order to receive the best possible service and satisfaction from your new dentures, we want you to be educated on the pertinent facts affecting your new dentures.

How Long Will It Take to Make My Denture:

It will take from 5-6 weeks from the first denture appointment. If you have to have teeth pulled there will be a recovery period before we can begin with your denture. PLAN ON IT TAKING ABOUT 2 MONTHS!!

  1. First Impression for Custom Tray/ Denture Deposit DUE!! (1 Week)
  2. Final Impression (1 Week)
  3. Jaw Relations/Shade/Mold (2 Weeks)
  4. Wax Try-In (2 Weeks)


Positive Attitude:

Your attitude and ability to adapt are very important in learning how to use your new dentures. Do not expect too much from them, especially at first. Your dentist can only make the dentures and advise you on how to wear them. YOU must have the patience and perseverance to learn to use the dentures.

“Feel” of the Denture:

When a denture is first inserted it feels very bulky. You will not be accustomed to having so much material in your mouth. The muscles of your mouth, tongue and cheeks need to get used to coordinating movement with the denture.


You will notice an increased production of saliva as you get accustomed to wearing your new dentures. This is a normal response of your mouth to having a new prostheses, it is temporary and should adjust with time.


Your speech may be affected by your new denture until your muscles get accustomed to controlling the dentures. The learning process is enhanced by practice; the more you talk with the dentures in place the sooner your muscles will coordinate movement and allow you to sound “normal”. Reading out loud will help speed the process.


It will take some time for you to learn to eat a “normal” diet. During the first few days we recommend a soft diet. Try to avoid hard, sticky foods until you have more experience with your dentures. While some experienced denture wearers will tell you they can eat anything, from apples to corn on the cob, this is the exception, not the rule. Most patients will find some restrictions in the foods they can manage with their dentures.

Helpful Hints for Eating With Your New Dentures:

  1. Start off with very soft foods. As your control of the dentures improves, begin eating harder, stickier foods that require more chewing.
  2. Eat slowly and cut things up into small bites.
  3. Try to not chew on one side then the other, try to chew on both sides at the same time in an up and down motion. This will prevent the denture from tipping.
  4. Dentures are not made to cut or incise with your front teeth, it will loosen them and tip them. Cut things up with a knife and then place into your mouth.

Sore Spots:

New dentures almost always will cause sore spots. These will be relieved by your dentist at your post-insertion appointments. Do not try to fix them at home. Your dentist will reduce the high areas a little bit at a time to not compromise the fit of the denture.


Dentures need to be cleaned daily with a denture brush and water or denture cleaner. Do not use toothpaste on your denture as it is too abrasive and will scratch your new denture. Your oral tissue must also be kept clean by using a soft toothbrush or wash cloth.

Dentures at Night:

Your new dentures are like the stars “they come out at night”. It is important that you allow the tissues of your mouth to have some time to breathe and recover. Remove your denture every night and place them in a container with denture solution or water. The only exception to this rule is if your dentist asks you to wear them over night to assess your mouth for sore spots the next day.

How Long Will My Dentures Last??

Dentures are not meant to last forever, normal usage and wear will result in a well made denture needing replacement every 6-8 years. You may need to have your denture relined prior to that to improve the fit. Keep them away from pets and be careful when handling them as they can break if dropped.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your dentist, we are here to help you get through this adjustment time of working with your new dentures.

For further information or questions please call: